It might bring other people out as well,” she said. “This is one of the reasons I am happy to go public now, to point out that this is not the first time that this has happened. “It just showed me that the police have learned nothing from the actions that we took against them,” Grahame told the Guardian. Rachel’s daughter, Emma Grahame, is now speaking publicly for the first time, outraged at revelations that police used a Taser on 95-year-old dementia sufferer Clare Nowland in Cooma this week. Police settled and paid compensation for their treatment of Grahame in November 2021. The incident prompted Grahame’s family to sue NSW police in the state’s district court, accusing officers of assault, battery and false imprisonment. Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup At various points, a confused Grahame asks police why they are handcuffing her, tells one he is a “big brute”, and screams in discomfort at the tightness of the restraints.