Downloads are $0.01 per GB (I had downloaded about 650GB/608GiB when I tested this during my DRE, at about $6.50). This translates to about $0.005 per GiB, with the first 10GB free. They mention on their pricing page a flat $5/TB/month pricing (they use SI units, so 1000GB = 1TB, not 1024GiB = 1TiB). Backblaze does not charge for uploads, just storage and downloads. Again, at one point I had over 4TiB stored, with a rough monthly storage cost of about $20 (USD, February 2022). I have one bucket for the blog, and one bucket for the minecraft backups.As I mentioned in the abstract, Backblaze B2 storage appears to be quite affordable, and is straightfoward to use. Every time they run, they will create either a full or incremental backup, and store it in a Backblaze B2 bucket. Mysqldump ghost_prod | gzip > $WORKING_DIR2/ghost_ĭuplicity -full-if-older-than 1D -no-encryption $WORKING_DIR -full-if-older-than 1D -no-encryption $WORKING_DIR2 cleanupĭuplicity remove-older-than 2D -force -no-encryption remove-older-than 2D -force -no-encryption I just added those two scripts to run as a cron job, hourly. WORKING_DIR2=/home/ghostsvc/ghostmysqlbackup Screen -r mc -X stuff "/say Backup finished.$(printf '\r')" # Ghost Blog backup script # duplicity verify -no-encryption ~/minecraftĭuplicity remove-older-than 2D -force -no-encryption -r mc -X stuff "/save-on$(printf '\r')" Screen -r mc -X stuff "/save-all$(printf '\r')"ĭuplicity -full-if-older-than 1D -no-encryption /home/mc/minecraft verify Screen -r mc -X stuff "/save-off$(printf '\r')" Screen -r mc -X stuff "/say Backup starting.$(printf '\r')" Here's what I came up with: # Minecraft backup script I implemented the backup solution described in David Keen's article on my minecraft server as well as on my blog.

Duplicity - see - is a backup tool for backing up a directory to any of a number of destinations.