Instagram story grid template
Instagram story grid template

A photo should have a size of 30MB maximum and image file formats are PNG. This aspect ratio is known as the screen resolution of Full HD and should be displayed vertically. Therefore, this ratio ensures the best quality for your content. For a Social Media platform that is made for sharing photos and videos, uploading the best quality content is very important. This ratio can be seen in the image below the paragraph. The Instagram Story dimensions are 1080px by 1920px, or an aspect ratio of 9:16. This article will explain to you how to make the perfect Instagram Story by using the correct Instagram Story dimensions and why your brand should consider using Instagram Stories. Tap the Share icon at the bottom and select Copy Photo.Furthermore, posting and viewing an Instagram story is so easy that every brand or company should include Instagram Stories within their marketing strategies as well.Tap on any photo to add to your Instagram Story.

instagram story grid template

Open the Photos app or camera roll on your iPhone.Basically, go to your phone's home screen. Exit Instagram but don't close the app.To completely hide the background image, tap the airbrush tool, select a color, and then mask the image using the brush. Edit your image to suit your taste by using available tools like the airbrush tool.Don't worry about taking a perfect shot this will be a background to the photo collage. Inside Instagram, tap Your Story and take a picture.Follow these steps to create your collage: The only downside is this method only works on iOS at the time of writing in September 2021. This is the easiest method to make a photo collage to add to your Instagram Stories. How to Make a Photo Collage Using Stickers Let's start with the first one, using stickers. You can create an Instagram Story collage by using stickers, layout mode, or third-party collage creation apps.

instagram story grid template

There are three ways to make a photo collage to share on your Instagram Story. Ways to Create a Photo Collage for Instagram Stories In this article, we'll show you how to put multiple pictures on your Instagram Story.

Instagram story grid template