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Grasshopper already has a native "Tween Curve" component however, it gets odd results sometimes, specifically when tweening polylines.Grasshopper's "Interpolate Data" component uses Block, Linear, Cubic, and Catmull. Pufferfish also adds the ability to tween Planes, Surfaces, Meshes, and Twisted Boxes as well as average them. Those types are Linear, Chord, Square Root, and Uniform. The second difference is that Pufferfish uses interpolation types which match nurbs interpolation for simple data types. The first being that Pufferfish has 3 types of tweens for each: Tween Two, Tween Consecutive, and Tween Through which perform the tweens in different ways with the input lists. Pufferfish's Tweens of these types differ in 2 ways. Grasshoppers native "Interpolate Data" component can "Tween" simple data types such as numbers, colors, vectors and points already.I would also like to thank Pavlina Vardoulaki for introducing me to shape blending techniques in Autodesk Maya which inspired many of Pufferfish’s components. Aldo Sollazzo for his reference definition on discrete variables.Andrew Heumann for his reference definition on rectangles by area.Mahdiyar Esmailbeigi for his reference on mass transformations.Petras Vestartas for his reference on RTree mesh welding.Daniel Abalde for his reference on optimized corner finding.

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Daniel Piker for his reference definition on Quaternion rotation.David Rutten for aide in implementing his Twisted Box Library.Check out their plugins: Conduit, Cocoon, Tree Sloth, Owl, Anemone, Starling, & Squid. I would like to make a special thanks to David Stasiuk and Mateusz Zwierzycki for their continual support and input on the Pufferfish code and letting me constantly bother them. Instagram: the Pufferfish Grasshopper forum group here: Credits: Works with Grasshopper for Rhino 5, Rhino 6, Rhino 7, and Rhino Mac. In addition, there are extra components which simplify some common grasshopper operations such as testing for equality within a tolerance and rounding to nearest numbers. These components are accompanied by support components which are useful methods for tween / blend / morph / lattice operations such as making curves compatible, a custom curve graph mapper, and a multi-threaded morph to twisted box.

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Pufferfish mainly uses parameters and factors for inputs for more custom control over operations like tweens and grids as opposed to grasshoppers usual division count inputs. This plugin is a set of 330 components which focuses on Tweens, Blends, Morphs, Averages, Transformations, & Interpolations - essentially Shape Changing. The Pufferfish is one of few animals which is capable of changing its shape.

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